6 Foods That Taste Better in April Than the Rest of the Year

6 Foods That Taste Better in April Than the Rest of the Year

April is the time of spring when the new flowers bloom welcoming the new season of fruits and vegetables. Even though there are ways of growing all kinds of food throughout the year, the natural growth in the right season makes a big difference in the taste. It is suggested that you try out the fruits in the mid of spring to get the best taste. Here is a list of 5 fruits that taste the best during spring.

Ataulfo Mangos

These pure yellow mangoes are found all around the world throughout the year, but the best batch is only available in April. Mexico is known for distributing Ataulfo Mangos which are so far the tastiest versions. They have a great fragrance and are juicy enough to enjoy with spices.


Blackberries are a thing of summer, but Mexico offers a fine variety of blackberries which are specially grown in April. They are bigger in size, have more plump, and have no tartness. These berries are available by the end of April and give you enough reasons to prefer them over any other summer berries.


April is the right time to try out some fresh asparagus. Californian farms are known for growing the best asparagus you can ever try. Other than the season time, the soft black soil of California also helps in producing this tasty shoot vegetable. During this season the asparagus will be thick and full of fibre and have less white at the bottom to trim. Spring provides the right warmth and cold for asparagus to grow in its finest form.


Arguably the best time to eat some strawberries is April. They can be available by the second or third week of April as the first batch of spring comes out. Although you can get strawberries throughout the year in freezer containers, April is the time to fool your tastebuds with something they have never tasted before.


April is the right time to try out some meaty artichokes rather than compromising with what you can get through the rest of the year. You can enjoy the flavour of this vegetable which will be full of naturally grown fibre. You can wait for them to ripe or can steam them for a different taste. They may not look as good as other vegetables, but you will have to give it a try to find out what you could be missing.


This is the time when you can enjoy raw peaches with some salt and spice. It is a great combination to sit and enjoy a warm evening on your balcony. If you wait a little longer, peaches will ripe and offer you’re the juiciest flavour of all time. It is sour and sweet at the same time, which gives you the tang to freshen up.